Callum Hodgson is a first year Photography student from The University of Sunderland. The project was to brand him creating various aspects such as logo design, business cards, letter heads and website design that all adhere to a set of guidelines developed throughout the brief. Callum is currently studying Photography, Video and Digital Imaging at The University of Sunderland. His work is based in the North East of England; however has travelled internationally for projects which fuels his passion for the arts. This not only inspires, but it educates him on cultures and what our world is about. Currently he is producing a number of projects that include traditional processes in dark rooms with the use of both modern and historical equipment and lighting. Callum explores and bases an understanding of all areas he encounters within photography and heavily research these areas. This acts as a diary to shows progression and reflection. When he graduates from The University of Sunderland he plans to have built a portfolio which has evolved into a style and undergone many techniques. This can range from a conceptually driven piece to photographing portraits and events. With all of this experience, Callum hopes to establish my own studio and complete work as a freelance photographer with links to other companies and institutions globally.